
Tags Archives: best dietitian in india


Health benefits of coconut oil

Over the years, coconuts became a sought-after food artefact, being employed in our daily culinary art to beauty regimens, to having a number of advantages, coconuts square measure asked for around the world today. Coconuts aren’t simply delicious, however they’re extremely alimentary and everybody ought to build them a neighborhood of their diet to remain healthy.Hence there are many health benefits of coconut oil.

Coconuts oil measure familiar for being a polar food supply and measure extremely useful for reinforcing one’s immunity. Today we glance at the numerous advantages of consumption coconut and why we must always all be creating this super fruit a neighborhood of our daily diet.

Controls Diabetes

Coconut improves insulin secretion in your body and also boosts the utilization of blood glucose, thus helping in controlling diabetes. In fact, eating coconut also helps control diabetes by having a positive impact on the hormones that control blood sugar in the body. Due to this, the rise in blood sugar levels slow down, and this also helps to lower glycemic cravings of a person. Coconut also causes quick digestion and has a positive impact on other symptoms that are associated with bowel and digestive disorders..It is additionally familiar to assist with the absorption of nutrients and minerals within the body.

 Rich in Fiber Content

Coconut is made in dietary fiber and may offer over hour of fiber that your body wants on a daily. The fiber from coconut also slows down glucose release, while at the same time, transporting the glucose to the cells where it is easily converted into energy. Eating Coconut, thus, relieves the strain on the duct gland, again reducing the risk of getting diabetes.

Eating Coconut Can Help Boosts Your Immunity

Coconut is an excellent source for boosting your immune system. Coconut contains antifungal, antiviral, anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial properties. This is why overwhelming coconut will facilitate the body build up its resistance to many styles of bacterium and viruses. Eating coconut in any form treats many diseases such as bronchitis, throat infections, urinary tract infections, infections by tapeworms and many other microbes-causing diseases.

Helps Fight the Aging Process

The anti-aging action of the coconut may be a nice health profit for several. If you want to battle the side effects of aging, then coconut is an excellent choice to add to your diet. Coconut is rich in cytokinins, trans-zeatin, and kinetin, which have anti-aging, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-thrombotic properties, thus helping the body in many different ways.

 Helps Cut Down Fat

Coconut is additionally familiar for being useful in treating dangerous fats that develop within the abdomen. Abdominal fats can be dangerous as they are associated with several types of diseases. Research has shown that if you consume 200 grams of coconut every day, it can cause a significant reduction in not just your BMI, but also reduce your waist circumference within just 12-15 weeks.

Increases Energy Levels

Coconut helps in boosting your energy levels, as it helps burn fat in the body. It is rich in triglycerides, which increases energy expenditure by nearly 5%, thus helping you lose weight in the long run. Coconut is additionally terribly filling and helps lower the hunger pangs, again helping you lose weight. Coconut works on the style during which fatty acids get metabolized as a organic compound, thus reducing hunger. In fact, studies have found that individuals United Nations agency consume coconut in any of its forms frequently will go while not consumption for several hours, with no effects of hypoglycemia. Coconut also helps in reducing chronic fatigue.

Treats Epilepsy

Coconut is an element of a ketogenic diet, basically a diet low in carbohydrates, which treats several types of diseases. In fact, due to this, coconut is an effective in treating epilepsy in small children. Consuming coconut increases the concentration of ketone bodies in the bloodstream, thus reducing the rate of seizures in children who suffer from epilepsy. However, scientists require more research to firmly confirm this health benefit of coconuts.

Prevents Urinary Tract Infections

Another health advantage of coconut and drinking coconut milk is preventing tract infections. Coconut is a natural diuretic, which helps treat urinary tract infections. In fact, dinking coconut water improves the urine flow, thus flushing out any infection naturally from the body. Many doctors suggest overwhelming coconut milk once laid low with tract infections.

Eating Coconut Helps Improve the amount of excellent Blood sterol

Coconut enhances the amount of excellent blood sterol within the body. This helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and also improves your heart health. Coconut is effective in this because of the high levels of the saturated fat present in the fruit, which raises the levels of good cholesterol naturally in the body. Coconut also controls the levels of LDL, by turning it into a benign subtype. This transformation of the bad cholesterol in the body also helps to lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

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IFSC code – UTIB0000355


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Please update us at 9648888820 if you make the payment.





6 years ago dietitian

Legumes for health

Legumes for health are quite controversial these days.

Depending on World Health Organization you raise, they’re either improbably alimentary or unambiguously harmful.Hence, some folks even opt to eliminate legumes from their diet altogether.

Legumes are unit unambiguously wealthy in each macromolecule and Fiber.

Legumes for health have quite a remarkable nutrition profile , and are a rich source of healthy fibers and protein.

One cup of cooked lentils provides:

18 grams of protein.

16 grams of fiber.

40 grams of carbohydrate.

37% of the RDA for iron.

90% of the RDA for folate.

18% of the RDA for magnesium.

21% of the RDA for potassium.

Over 100% of the RDA for Vitamins B1, B3, B5 and B6, phosphorus, zinc, copper and metallic element.

This is coming back with a calorie price tag of 230, that makes legumes extremely alimentary, calorie for calorie.

Legumes have an ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere. Also, Nitrogen is an important part of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins.Hence,legumes for health are quite wealthy.

This is why legumes are among the most effective plant-based sources of dietary macromolecule.

Not solely area unit legumes extremely alimentary, they’re conjointly the bottom, which makes them an important food staple in many developing countries.

Legumes Contain Anti-Nutrients

Unfortunately, there’s a draw back to the organic process quality of legumes.

They conjointly contain supposed anti-nutrients, that are substances which will interfere with digestion and therefore the absorption of different nutrients.

Phytic Acid

However, this is often solely relevant once meat intake is low and high-phytate foods often form up an oversized a part of meals.

Meat eaters don’t seem to be in danger of mineral deficiencies caused by phytic acid. Iron and Zn absorption from meat is economical, even within the presence of phytic acid.

Conversely, phytic acid may be a serious concern once the diet is essentially supported grains and legumes, that is usually the case in developing countries. Vegetarians may also be at risk.

In these things, many methods will be accustomed scale back the phytic acid content and increase the organic process price. These include soaking , sprouting and fermentation.


Legume lectins area unit a family of proteins found in legumes, wherever they’ll represent up to 100% of the full macromolecule content.

They resist digestion and some of them may affect the cells lining the intestinal tract.

There are many different types of legume lectins. One well-studied glycoprotein is phytohemagglutinin, found in many varieties of beans, especially red kidney beans.

In most other edible legumes, the amount of lectins is not high enough to cause symptoms in humans.Hence, soaking nightlong and boiling at 212°F (100°C) for a minimum of ten minutes, degrades phytohemagglutinin and other legume lectins.


Saponins are a diverse group of nutrients found in a variety of plants. They are proof against digestion however could have an effect on the cells lining the gut.

Some believe that they may increase intestinal permeability, also called leaky gut, hence leading to a range of health problems.

Currently, this remains strictly speculative and there’s no smart proof that saponins in legumes cause damage in humans.

Furthermore, you can also buy healthy products from our site:-

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Helpline : 8081678000

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Likewise,read more about our herbs….

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ACCOUNT NAME– Aadavi nutriwell health care (opc) private limited

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IFSC code – UTIB0000355


Paytm 9648888820

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Above all, please update us at 9648888820 if you make the payment.


6 years ago Featured

Detox Diet


Detox diet are typically short-run dietary interventions designed to eliminate toxins from your body.

Certainly, a typical ward diet involves a amount of abstinence, followed by a strict diet of fruit, vegetables, fruit juices, and water.

Moreover, this is claimed to:

  • Rest your organs by fasting
  • Stimulate your liver to get rid of toxins
  • Promote toxin elimination through faeces, urine, and sweat
  • Improve circulation
  • Provide your body with healthy nutrient

The counselling of detox therapies are most ordinarily done owing to exposure to harmful chemicals within the surroundings or your diet. These include pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, and other harmful compounds.

This diet also helps with various problems , including obesity, digestive issues, autoimmune diseases, inflammation, allergies, bloating, and chronic fatigue .

However, human analysis on ward diets is lacking, and therefore the few studies that exist are considerably imperfect.


There are many ways to do a detox diet — ranging from total starvation fasts to simpler food modifications.

Most ward diets involve a minimum of one amongst the subsequent :

  • Fasting for 1–3 days.
  • Drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, water, and tea.
  • Drinking specific liquids, like preserved water or juice.
  • Eliminating foods high in serious metals, contaminants, and allergens.
  • Taking supplements or herbs.
  • Avoiding all allergenic foods, then slowly reintroducing them.
  • Using laxatives, colon cleanses, or enemas.
  • Exercising regularly.
  • Completely eliminating alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, and refined sugar.

Detox diets seldom establish the particular toxins they aim to get rid of. The work mechanisms of the detox diet are also unclear.

In fact, there’s very little to no proof that ward diets take away any toxins from your body.

What’s more, your body is capable of cleansing itself through the liver, feces, urine, and sweat. Your liver makes toxic substances harmless, then ensures that they’re released from your body .

Despite this, there are a few chemicals that may not be as easily removed by these processes, including persistent organic pollutants (POPs), bisphenol A (BPA), and heavy metals.

Accumulation of these chemicals in fat tissues result in the longer time period for the body to flush these chemicals.

However, these compounds in commercial products are removed or limited.


The frequent exposure of body to toxic substances is harmful . However, most of the time, it can remove them without additional help.

While ward diets could appear tempting, their advantages possibly don’t have anything to try and do with toxins, however rather with eliminating numerous unhealthy foods.

Therefore, a much smarter approach is to eat healthier and improve your lifestyle rather than go on a potentially dangerous cleanse.

Furthermore, you can also buy healthy products from our site:-

Similarly, you can check our website for health and nutrition updates:-

Helpline : 8081678000

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Read more about our herbs….

If face difficulty for buying online:

Hence, Bank details for transferring amount…


ACCOUNT NAME– Aadavi nutriwell health care (opc) private limited

A/C NUMBER– -918020062302317

IFSC code – UTIB0000355


Paytm 9648888820

Consequently, you can also ask our team person to generate direct link to pay…

Please update us at 9648888820 if you make the payment.

6 years ago Featured

Tips to Lower Blood Sugar Level


High blood glucose happens once your body cannot effectively transport sugar from blood into cells.

In contrast,when left unchecked this can lead to diabetes.


Regular exercise can help you lose weight and increase insulin sensitivity.

Moreover,exercise helps your muscles use blood glucose for energy and shortening.

If you have got issues with blood glucose management, you should routinely check your levels. This will assist you find out how you reply to totally different activities and keep your blood glucose levels from obtaining either too high or too low .

Probably, good forms of exercise include weight lifting, brisk walking, running, biking, dancing, hiking, swimming and more.


Your body breaks down carbohydrates down into sugars (mostly glucose), and then insulin moves the sugars into cells.

This process fails and blood gluose levels rise because of eating several carbs or having issues with hormone perform.

As a result,fiber slows carb digestion and sugar absorption.

There are two kinds of fiber: insoluble and soluble. While each square measure necessary, soluble fiber specifically has been shown to lower blood sugar levels


Drinking enough water could assist you keep your blood glucose levels inside healthy limits.

In addition to preventing dehydration, it helps your kidneys flush out the surplus blood glucose through pee.

One experimental study showed that those that drank additional water had a lower risk of developing high blood glucose levels.

Drinking water regularly re-hydrates the blood, lowers blood sugar levels and reduces diabetes risk.

Keep in mind that water and different non-caloric beverages square measure best. Sugar-sweetened drinks raise glucose, drive weight gain and increase diabetes risk .


High blood glucose levels and polygenic disorder have additionally been connected to substance deficiencies.

Examples include deficiencies in the minerals chromium and magnesium.

Chromium is involved in carb and fat metabolism. It additionally helps management blood glucose levels, and a scarcity of metal might dispose you to carb intolerance.


Portion management helps regulate calorie intake and might cause weight loss.

Hence,monitoring your serving sizes conjointly helps scale back calorie intake and sequent blood glucose spikes.

Here are some helpful tips for controlling portions:

  • Measure and weigh portions.
  • Use smaller plates.
  • Avoid all-you-can-eat restaurants.
  • Read food labels and check the serving sizes.
  • Keep a food journal.
  • Eat slowly.


Stress can affect your blood sugar levels.

Most noteworthy,hormones such as glucagon and cortisol are secreted during stress. These hormones cause blood glucose levels to travel up.

Exercises and relaxation strategies like yoga and mindfulness-based stress reduction can even correct hormone secretion issues in chronic polygenic disorder.Hence,make sure to ascertain together with your doctor before creating life style changes or making an attempt new supplements.

This is significantly necessary if you have got issues with blood glucose management or if you’re taking medications to lower your sugar levels.

That being aforesaid, if you’re diabetic or have issues with blood glucose management, then you ought to begin doing one thing concerning it as before long as attainable.

Furthermore, you can also buy healthy products from our site:-

Similarly, you can check our website for health and nutrition updates:-

Helpline : 8081678000

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Read more about our herbs….

If face difficulty for buying online:

Hence, Bank details for transferring amount…


ACCOUNT NAME– Aadavi nutriwell health care (opc) private limited

A/C NUMBER- -918020062302317

IFSC code – UTIB0000355


Paytm 9648888820

Consequently, you can also ask our team person to generate direct link to pay…

Please update us at 9648888820 if you make the payment.

8 years ago dietitian

Best Dietitians in Aurangabad

Going to a dietitian has become very common these days. Certainly,dietitians will provide a solution to all your health and diet related concerns with simple diet plans.

These dietitians/ nutritionists can be consulted for the best diet plans. However,you can consult them for the diet in diabetes, diabetic diet plan, diet in hypertension, weight loss counselling, obesity problems such as obesity prevention, treatment, exercises, medication etc., diet food etc.


There are many dietitians in Aurangabad. To search Best Dietitians in Aurangabad  you can consult them Online as many of them have online clinics and you can also go to their clinic for taking one to one counselling. Hence,online mode is the best medium of consultation nowadays.

Moreover, app consultations are also very famous that can be considered if you have lack of time or you are unable to visit a dietitian. Here is the link to get the best online apps on your phone for consultation. Certainly,best dietitians in Aurangabd can guide you to fight your medical disorders better. As a result,best online diet plan may be the solution for you best diet in weight loss.

Furthermore,the best Indian Apps in the market are Nutriwell, My plate, Samsung health etc. Check them out here.×7%20weight%20loss%20app%20indian&c=apps&hl=en

The Best dietitians in Aurangabad are:

1. Dr. Surabhi Jain (available online only)

BDS., PGDPHN, MSc in Dietetics / Nutrition

Experience: 12 Years      24×7 helpline 8081678000

2. Ms Prachi Dekate

M.S. Human Nutrition

Experience: 9 Years

Works at Arnav clinic

3. Ms Ritu Sikchi

Post Graduate Diploma in Sports Nutrition BSc

Experience: 6 Years

Works at NutriToo Diet Advisory

Hence, Dr Surabhi Jain, Best Dietitian in India is well known for her economic online services via mail/ app/ website/ online portals. Consequently,we are customer centric as well as  excelling in ethical services

Furthermore, you can also buy healthy products from our site:-

Similarly, you can check our website for health and nutrition updates:-


Helpline : 8081678000

Rather, direct whats app to contact us:-

Likewise,read more about our herbs….

Moreover,if face difficulty for buying online:

Hence, Bank details for transferring amount…


ACCOUNT NAME– Aadavi nutriwell health care (opc) private limited

A/C NUMBER- -918020062302317

IFSC code – UTIB0000355


Paytm 9648888820

Consequently, you can also ask our team person to generate direct link to pay…

Please update us at 9648888820 if you make the payment.




Best Dietitians in Kolkata

Going to a dietitian has become very common these days. Certainly,dietitians will provide a solution to all your health and diet related concerns with simple diet plans.

These dietitians/ nutritionists can be consulted for the best diet plans. However,you can consult them for the diet in diabetes, diabetic diet plan, diet in hypertension, weight loss counselling, obesity problems such as obesity prevention, treatment, exercises, medication etc., diet food etc.


There are many dietitians in Kolkata. To search Best Dietitians in Kolkata  you can consult them Online as many of them have online clinics and you can also go to their clinic for taking one to one counselling. Hence,online mode is the best medium of consultation nowadays.

Moreover, app consultations are also very famous that can be considered if you have lack of time or you are unable to visit a dietitian. Here is the link to get the best online apps on your phone for consultation. Certainly,best dietitians in Kolkata can guide you to fight your medical disorders better. As a result,best online diet plan may be the solution for you best diet in weight loss.

Furthermore,the best Indian Apps in the market are Nutriwell, My plate, Samsung health etc. Check them out here.×7%20weight%20loss%20app%20indian&c=apps&hl=en

The Best dietitians in Kolkata:

1. Dr. Surabhi Jain (available online only)

BDS., PGDPHN, MSc in Dietetics / Nutrition

Experience: 12 Years      24 by 7 helpline 8081678000

2. Dr Swapan Banerjee

PhD – Nutrition and Dietitics MSc – Dietitics / Nutrition BSc PG Certificate

Experience: 22 Years

3. Ms Aparajita Saha

BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition Diploma in Diet and Nutrition

Experience: 39 Years

Works at NutriDiet Dietician’s clinic

4. Ms Ananya Bhowmik Mitra

MSc – Food and Applied Nutrition

Experience: 11 Years

5. Mr Souvik Dey

BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition MSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 5 Years

6. Ms Nidhi Parekh

MSc – Dietitics / Nutrition Certificate in Food and Nutrition

Experience: 7 Years

7. Ms Rina Datta

MSc – Professional Certificate in Food and Nutrition

Experience: 14 Years

8. Ms Anubha Taparia Saraogi

BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 11 Years

9. Ms Meena Gupta

BSc Diploma in Diet and Nutrition Post Graduation

Experience: 5 Years

Works at The Homely Diet clinic

10. Ms Juhi Mimani

DNHE Diploma in Diet and Nutrition

Experience: 5 Years


Hence, Dr Surabhi Jain, Best Dietician in India is well known for her economic online services via mail/ app/ website/ online portals. Consequently,we are customer centric as well as  excelling in ethical services

Furthermore, you can also buy healthy products from our site:-

All Products

Similarly, you can check our website for health and nutrition updates:-


Helpline : 8081678000

Rather, direct whats app to contact us:-

Likewise,read more about our herbs….

Moreover,if face difficulty for buying online:

Hence, Bank details for transferring amount…


ACCOUNT NAME– Aadavi nutriwell health care (opc) private limited

A/C NUMBER- -918020062302317

IFSC code – UTIB0000355


Paytm 9648888820

Consequently, you can also ask our team person to generate direct link to pay…

Please update us at 9648888820 if you make the payment.





8 years ago dietitian

Best Dietitians in Agra

Going to a dietitian has become very common these days. Certainly,dietitians will provide a solution to all your health and diet related concerns with simple diet plans.

These dietitians/ nutritionists can be consulted for the best diet plans. However,you can consult them for the diet in diabetes, diabetic diet plan, diet in hypertension, weight loss counselling, obesity problems such as obesity prevention, treatment, exercises, medication etc., diet food etc.


There are many dietitians in Agra. To search Best Dietitians in Agra  you can consult them Online as many of them have online clinics and you can also go to their clinic for taking one to one counselling. Hence,online mode is the best medium of consultation nowadays.

Moreover, app consultations are also very famous that can be considered if you have lack of time or you are unable to visit a dietitian. Here is the link to get the best online apps on your phone for consultation. Certainly,best dietitians in Agra can guide you to fight your medical disorders better. As a result,best online diet plan may be the solution for you best diet in weight loss.

Furthermore,the best Indian Apps in the market are Nutriwell, My plate, Samsung health etc. Check them out here.×7%20weight%20loss%20app%20indian&c=apps&hl=en

The Best dietitians in Agra are:

1. Dr. Surabhi Jain (available online only)

BDS., PGDPHN, MSc Dietetics / Nutrition

Experience: 12 Years      24 by 7 helpline 8081678000

2. Mrs Renuka Dang

MSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 31 Years

3. Ms Prachi Verma

BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition MSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 3 Years

4. Mrs Sonal Bhargava

BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition MSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 12 Years

5. Ms Laveena Jain

Integrative Nutrition Health Course

Experience: 1 Year

6. Shradha Bhalla Dang

BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition MSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 3 Years


Hence, Dr Surabhi Jain, Best Dietician in India is well known for her economic online services via mail/ app/ website/ online portals. Consequently,we are customer centric as well as  excelling in ethical services

Furthermore, you can also buy healthy products from our site:-

Similarly, you can check our website for health and nutrition updates:-


Helpline : 8081678000

Direct whats app to contact us:-

Likewise,read more about our herbs….

Moreover,if face difficulty for buying online:

Hence, Bank details for transferring amount…


ACCOUNT NAME– Aadavi nutriwell health care (opc) private limited

A/C NUMBER- -918020062302317

IFSC code – UTIB0000355


Paytm 9648888820

Consequently, you can also ask our team person to generate direct link to pay…

Please update us at 9648888820 if you make the payment.


8 years ago dietitian

Best Dietitians in Ahmedabad

Going to a dietitian has become very common these days. Certainly,dietitians will provide a solution to all your health and diet related concerns with simple diet plans.

These dietitians/ nutritionists can be consulted for the best diet plans. However,you can consult them for the diet in diabetes, diabetic diet plan, diet in hypertension, weight loss counselling, obesity problems such as obesity prevention, treatment, exercises, medication etc., diet food etc.


There are many dietitians in Ahmedabad. To search Best Dietitians in Ahmedabad  you can consult them Online as many of them have online clinics and you can also go to their clinic for taking one to one counselling. Hence,online mode is the best medium of consultation nowadays.

Moreover, app consultations are also very famous that can be considered if you have lack of time or you are unable to visit a dietitian. Here is the link to get the best online apps on your phone for consultation. Certainly,best dieticians in Ahmedabad can guide you to fight your medical disorders better. As a result,best online diet plan may be the solution for you best diet in weight loss.

Furthermore,the best Indian Apps in the market are Nutriwell, My plate, Samsung health etc. Check them out here.×7%20weight%20loss%20app%20indian&c=apps&hl=en

The Best Dietitians in Ahmedabad are:

1. Dr. Surabhi Jain (available online only)

BDS., PGDPHN, MSc  Dietetics / Nutrition

Experience: 12 Years      24×7 helpline 8081678000

2. Ms Paheli Bhatt

MSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 5 Years

3. Dr Disha Parikh

BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 6 Years

4. Ms Hiral Trivedi

BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 5 Years

5. Ms Hiral Bhatt

BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 7 Years

6. Ms Shruti Karnik

BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition MSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 4 Years

Hence, Dr Surabhi Jain, Best Dietitian in India is well known for her economic online services via mail/ app/ website/ online portals. Consequently,we are customer centric as well as  excelling in ethical services

Furthermore, you can also buy healthy products from our site:-

Similarly, you can check our website for health and nutrition updates:-

Helpline : 8081678000

Direct whats app to contact us:-

Likewise,read more about our herbs….

Moreover,if face difficulty for buying online:

Hence, Bank details for transferring amount…


ACCOUNT NAME– Aadavi nutriwell health care (opc) private limited

A/C NUMBER- -918020062302317

IFSC code – UTIB0000355


Paytm 9648888820

Consequently, you can also ask our team person to generate direct link to pay…

Please update us at 9648888820 if you make the payment.



8 years ago dietitian

Best Dietitians in Indore

Going to a dietitian has become very common these days. Certainly,dietitians will provide a solution to all your health and diet related concerns with simple diet plans.

These dietitians/ nutritionists can be consulted for the best diet plans. However,you can consult them for the diet in diabetes, diabetic diet plan, diet in hypertension, weight loss counselling, obesity problems such as obesity prevention, treatment, exercises, medication etc., diet food etc.


There are many dietitians in Indore. To search Best Dietitians in Indore you can consult them Online as many of them have online clinics and you can also go to their clinic for taking one to one counselling. Hence,online mode is the best medium of consultation nowadays.

Moreover, app consultations are also very famous that can be considered if you have lack of time or you are unable to visit a dietitian. Here is the link to get the best online apps on your phone for consultation. Certainly,best dietitians in Indore can guide you to fight your medical disorders better. As a result,best online diet plan may be the solution for you best diet in weight loss.

Furthermore,the best Indian Apps in the market are Nutriwell, My plate, Samsung health etc. Check them out here.×7%20weight%20loss%20app%20indian&c=apps&hl=en

The Best dietitians in Indore are:

1. Dr. Surabhi Jain (available online only)

BDS., PGDPHN, MSc  Dietetics / Nutrition

Experience: 12 Years      24×7 helpline 8081678000

2. Dr Shreyas Bansal

BHMS Diploma in Yoga Certificate in Food and Nutrition

Experience: 12 Years

3. Dr Sangeeta Malu

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics MSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 25 Years

Works at Ideal Diet clinic

4. Ms Vinita Jaiswal

M.Sc Food Science and Nutrition

Experience: 13 Years

5. Dr Shivani Lodha

MSc – Food and Applied Nutrition

Experience: 8 Years

Works at Nourish-vani-REINVENT NUTRITION

6. Ms Roopali Gour

BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition MSc

Experience: 3 Years

Works at Om Sai clinic

7. Ms Indradeep Kaur

Post-Graduation Diploma in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition

Experience: 11 Years


Hence, Dr Surabhi Jain, Best Dietician in India is well known for her economic online services via mail/ app/ website/ online portals. Consequently,we are customer centric as well as  excelling in ethical services

Furthermore, you can also buy healthy products from our site:-

Similarly, you can check our website for health and nutrition updates:-

Helpline : 8081678000

Direct whats app to contact us:-

Likewise,read more about our herbs….

Moreover,if face difficulty for buying online:

Hence, Bank details for transferring amount…


ACCOUNT NAME– Aadavi nutriwell health care (opc) private limited

A/C NUMBER- -918020062302317

IFSC code – UTIB0000355


Paytm 9648888820

Consequently, you can also ask our team person to generate direct link to pay…

Please update us at 9648888820 if you make the payment.

8 years ago dietitian

Best Dietitians in Vadodara

Going to a dietitian has become very common these days. Certainly,dietitians will provide a solution to all your health and diet related concerns with simple diet plans.

These dietitians/ nutritionists can be consulted for the best diet plans. However,you can consult them for the diet in diabetes, diabetic diet plan, diet in hypertension, weight loss counselling, obesity problems such as obesity prevention, treatment, exercises, medication etc., diet food etc.


There are many dietitians in Vadodara. To search Best Dietitians in Vadodara  you can consult them Online as many of them have online clinics and you can also go to their clinic for taking one to one counselling. Hence,online mode is the best medium of consultation nowadays.

Moreover, app consultations are also very famous that can be considered if you have lack of time or you are unable to visit a dietitian. Here is the link to get the best online apps on your phone for consultation. Certainly,best dietitians in Vadodara can guide you to fight your medical disorders better. As a result,best online diet plan may be the solution for you best diet in weight loss.

Furthermore,the best Indian Apps in the market are Nutriwell, My plate, Samsung health etc. Check them out here.×7%20weight%20loss%20app%20indian&c=apps&hl=en

The Best dietitians in Vadodara are:

1. Dr. Surabhi Jain (available online only)

BDS., PGDPHN, MSc – Dietetics / Nutrition

Experience: 12 Years      24×7 helpline 8081678000

2. Ms Swati B Patel

BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 24 Years

3. Ms Shrela Meghnani

MSc – Dietitics / Nutrition BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 7 Years

4. Dr Hemant Ingale

BHMS MSc – Dietitics / Nutrition Diploma in Naturopathy & Yogic Science

Experience: 6 Years

5. Dr. Ruchita Goad

BSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 9 Years

6. Dr. Roma Dave

MSc – Dietitics / Nutrition

Experience: 10 Years


Hence, Dr Surabhi Jain, Best Dietitian in India is well known for her economic online services via mail/ app/ website/ online portals. Consequently,we are customer centric as well as  excelling in ethical services

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Helpline : 8081678000

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Hence, Bank details for transferring amount…


ACCOUNT NAME– Aadavi nutriwell health care (opc) private limited

A/C NUMBER- -918020062302317

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Paytm 9648888820

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