
Amla health benefits

Amla health benefits: Winter is the season of amla, also known as Indian gooseberry. This little fruit is a storehouse of nutrients.  It is extremely rich in Vitamin C and has a sour taste. It can cure many ailments and has numerous other health benefits. So let’s take a look at some of its many health benefits and hence, more reasons to add amla to your diet.

Amla health benefits:

  • Hair:

Amla is extremely good for the hair. It enhances hair growth and also beautifies it. It improves the lustre of our hair. If you have a hair fall problem, amla is an excellent solution to cure it.


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  • Skin:

Being rich in Vitamin C as well as antioxidants, amla brightens the skin and gives it a glow. Regular intake of amla can also help you to get rid of pimples and acne. Hence, for a glowing and clear skin, amla is one of the best foods to consume. This is one of the best amla health benefits.



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  • Better eyesight:

Amla is good for eyesight as well. It is believed to improved vision. Amla can also improve near sightedness as well as cataract. It is mainly because of the presence of beta carotene in amla.



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  • Weight loss:

Amla also aids in weight loss. It is known to boost metabolism and thus helps in weight loss. Hence, if you are trying to lose weight, adding amla to your diet is an excellent choice. This is one of the best amla health benefits.



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  • Good for the heart:

What more? Amla is also good for the heart. Cholesterol builds up being the major reason of heart diseases, amla helps in reducing the build-up of bad cholesterol. Thus, it is good for cardiovascular health. This is one of the best amla health benefits.


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Ways amla can be consumed:

There are various ways in which amla can be consumed. It is better to buy fresh amla and prepare various things with it rather than the store bought amla things.

  • You can eat amla just as it is.
  • Prepare amla juice.
  • Amla pickle.
  • Amla candy.
  • Or you can try out any other recipe that you like.

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