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8 years ago Featured , recent post

Liver damaging habits

The liver is a vital organ in our body. It plays various roles. Its functions include protein synthesis, production of biochemical, and detoxification of various metabolites. Thus, the health of our body is related to the functioning of our liver.

Liver damaging habits:

We may not realize it, but some of our daily habits may be damaging our liver. Here are some liver damaging habits:

  1. Not sleeping well:

Not sleeping well is one of the liver damaging habits. Sleep deprivation can cause oxidative stress to the liver. Also when we sleep, our body goes into repairing mode. Sleeping late and waking up late is also a cause of liver damage.

  1. Excessive nutritional supplements/ medication:

This is also a reason for liver damage. If taken in excess amounts, even nutritional supplements or medications can prove to be harmful for our liver. Even herbs can be harmful to the liver in excess amounts.

  1. Alcoholism:

This is one of the habits that greatly damage the liver. Heavy alcohol consumption can lead to severe damaging of the liver. Alcohol in excess amounts decreases the liver’s ability of removing toxins from the body.

  1. Unhealthy diet:

Unhealthy and poor diet is also one of the causes of liver damage. Include lots of fruits and vegetables to your diet. Also drink plenty of water. Eating a lot of wrong food items cause fats to build up in the liver.

  1. Other habits that damage the liver:

Some other habits that damage the liver are:

  • Skipping breakfast.
  • Not urinating in the after waking up in the morning.
  • Not urinating before going to sleep at night.
  • Overeating (Eating more than actually required).

What foods to avoid:

There are certain foods that you should avoid to prevent liver diseases. Or people who have a liver disease should also avoid certain types of foods. The foods include:

  • Foods high in salt.
  •  Fatty foods.
  • Sugary foods.
  • Alcohol

Apart from this, exercise regularly and follow a healthy diet. You can consult a dietician/ nutritionist for a proper diet plan. The diet plan may be for weight management, weight loss diet etc. Online dieticians can give you the best diet plans for weight management, weight loss diet etc.



Signs of calcium deficiency

Calcium is a very important nutrient for our body. 99% of calcium is stored in our bones and teeth. The deficiency of calcium can lead to diseases like hypocalcaemia.

Signs of calcium deficiency:

Here are a few of calcium deficiency signs:

  • Dry skin and brittle nails:

One of the signs of calcium deficiency is dry skin and brittle nails. When your finger nails become brittle, that is, break easily then it is a sign of calcium deficiency. Also, you can notice dryness in your skin.

Cholesterol reduction, managing diabetes, diet in diabetes, nutrition tips, weight loss nutrition

  • Tooth decay:

Tooth decay is another one of the signs of calcium deficiency. It is the destruction of your tooth enamel (the outer layer of teeth). Since calcium is necessary for tooth health, its decay is a major sign of calcium deficiency.

Cholesterol reduction, managing diabetes, diet in diabetes, nutrition tips, weight loss nutrition


  • Muscle cramps:

Muscle cramps, particularly in the back and leg are a symptom of calcium deficiency. It can be an early sign that you are developing a calcium deficiency.

Cholesterol reduction, managing diabetes, diet in diabetes, nutrition tips, weight loss nutrition


  • Mental confusion:

Mental confusion is a more severe sign of calcium deficiency. The deficiency of calcium can lead to memory loss or confusion. The reason is that low calcium affects the functioning of your nervous system.

Cholesterol reduction, managing diabetes, diet in diabetes, nutrition tips, weight loss nutrition


  • Dermatitis:

Dermatitis is also a more severe sign of calcium deficiency. You may see symptoms of eczema or dermatitis. Due to increased pigmentation, you skin will also be prone to dark spots.

Cholesterol reduction, managing diabetes, diet in diabetes, nutrition tips, weight loss nutrition


Causes of calcium deficiency:

  • Low vitamin D levels:

Vitamin D does the work of sending a message to your intestine to increase the absorption of calcium. So if your vitamin D levels are low, it can lead to calcium deficiency.

  • Aging:

Infants and children absorb as much as 60% of calcium they consume. But, as the age increases, your capacity to absorb calcium slowly decreases. This too could be a reason of calcium deficiency.


Sources of calcium:

If you see signs of calcium deficiency, then you can increase the intake of sources of calcium in your diet. These include:

  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt/ Curd
  • Spinach
  • Soybeans



8 years ago Featured , recent post

Sabja seeds health benefits

Sabja seeds are also known as tukmaria seeds. These are little black coloured seeds that have many benefits. Let’s take a look at the various benefits of sabja seeds:

Sabja seeds health benefits:

  1. Aid in weight loss:

Sabja seeds are very beneficial for weight loss. If you are trying to lose weight, then include sabja seeds in your diet. Add sabja seeds to your weight loss diet. These seeds are known to be rich in alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), which helps in boosting fat burning mechanism. They also keep you full for a long time, curbing cravings.

Sabja seeds- treating diabetes, diet in diabetes, food nutrition, weight management, weight loss diet


  1. Help in digestion

These little seeds also help with better digestive system and fight digestive issues. Being rich in soluble dietary fibres, these seeds can reduce constipation. Have a glass of milk with some sabja seeds before going to bed. Sabja seeds also aid in digestion and help relieve a bloated stomach.

Sabja seeds- treating diabetes, diet in diabetes, food nutrition, weight management, weight loss diet


  1. Relieve acidity:

Sabja seeds have cooling and soothing effects on the stomach. Hence, these seeds are helpful in relieving acidity as well as heartburn. Again for this, take a glass of milk and add a spoonful of sabja seeds to it.

Sabja seeds- treating diabetes, diet in diabetes, food nutrition, weight management, weight loss diet


  1. Diabetes:

These seeds are good for diabetic patients too. They are good in treating type-2 diabetes. Sabja seeds are known to control the blood sugar levels.

Sabja seeds- treating diabetes, diet in diabetes, food nutrition, weight management, weight loss diet


  1. Have cooling effects:

These seeds are excellent for keeping our body cool during summer time. They have wonderful calming effects. You can mix sabja seeds and drink it with water.

Sabja seeds- treating diabetes, diet in diabetes, food nutrition, weight management, weight loss diet


  1. Skin:

The benefits of sabja seeds don’t just stop here. Sabja seeds health benefits include benefits for skin as well. They are known to ward off many skin related diseases. These seeds are known to keep skin related issues like acne, blackheads etc. at bay.

Sabja seeds- treating diabetes, diet in diabetes, food nutrition, weight management, weight loss diet


  1. Hair benefits:

These wonderful little seeds have hair benefits too! Having the goodness of Vitamin K, iron, and protein, sabja seeds will keep your hair strong and shiny. For reaping benefits for hair, you can eat these seeds. Or you can also add these to coconut oil by heating it, and then apply the oil to your hair.

Sabja seeds- treating diabetes, diet in diabetes, food nutrition, weight management, weight loss diet



Best dietician in India| Nutriwell India| Dr Surabhi Jain| Sabja seeds health benefits



8 years ago Featured , recent post

Couscous and weight loss: India weight loss centre

India weight loss centre: Couscous is a grain food that is made from wheat. It is believed to have originated in the North African countries. But now-a-days, it is readily available everywhere. One cup of couscous only has 176 calories. And one cup contains 6 grams of protein, 38 grams of carbohydrate, and only 1 gram of fat. Couscous is believed to be a very healthy food.

Couscous and weight loss:

The various dieticians/ nutritionists at India weight loss centres believe that couscous is the right food for you if you are trying to lose weight. Being low in calorie content and having the ability of filling you up, it aids in weight loss. Dieticians at various India weight loss centre say that the high fibre content of couscous helps in weight loss by slowing down digestion and hence making you feel full for a long time. This makes couscous very beneficial for those who are trying to lose weight.

Dieticians at India weight loss centre believe that eating couscous will prevent you from over eating. Over eating is one of the major causes of weight gain. Therefore, couscous is good for weight loss nutrition and weight management.

Couscous is also very low in sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fats, all of which have great benefits in weight loss. That is why couscous should be a part of your diet meal plan for weight loss.

All in all, couscous has many health benefits and is ideal for weight loss.

Couscous for weight loss:

Now you must be wondering how to use couscous effectively for weight loss? The best dieticians in India at India weight loss centre recommend you to replace your dinner with couscous. You can try out various recipes including couscous. It is best to be consumed at dinner time. With only a few calories, it will keep you full for a long time. And since dinner should be light, couscous is ideal as a dinner meal.


India weight loss centres| Best dietician in India| weight management| weight loss plans| Nutriwell India| Dr Surabhi Jain| Online nutritionists


8 years ago Featured , recent post

Benefits of Turmeric: Dr Surabhi Jain

Dr Surabhi Jain says that turmeric has been extensively used in Indian households for centuries now. It is used in almost every Indian dish. Most Indian recipes are incomplete without a pinch of turmeric. Dr Surabhi Jain says that turmeric is often used on wounds as well. But are we aware of the amazing health benefits that turmeric has? A pinch of turmeric in that we put in our food items has lots of benefits. Here are some benefits of this wonder ingredient:

  1. Prevents cancer

Dr Surabhi Jain says that turmeric is useful in preventing cancer. It can destroy cancer cells and prevent the growth of existing cancer cells. It can prevent cancer because of a component it contains, called ‘curcumin’.

  1. Anti-inflammatory

Dr Surabhi Jain says that turmeric also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Curcumin controls inflammation. Therefore, turmeric is great in soothing burns because of its antiseptic properties.

  1. Useful in treating arthritis

Dr Surabhi Jain says that the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric are great in treating arthritis. Therefore, consuming turmeric on a regular basis can prove to be good to patients suffering from arthritis.

  1. Controls diabetes

Turmeric is also very useful in controlling diabetes, says Dr Surabhi Jain. It helps to control diabetes since it helps in keeping moderate insulin levels. It is also effective in reducing insulin resistance, which can prevent type-2 diabetes. Turmeric is a diabetes food and diabetes cure.

  1. Keeps weight n check

Dr Surabhi Jain says that turmeric I also very useful in keeping your weight in check. It is one of the spices that aids in weight loss. Therefore, turmeric should be a part of your diet food plan for weight loss. Make turmeric a plan of your diet meal plan if you wish to lose weight. It also improves digestion, reduces gas and burning.

  1. Great for skin

Owing to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is great for skin. It is very effective in treating acne. Adding turmeric with some lemon juice or rose water and applying it on face is a great remedy for treating acne.


Drr Surabhi Jain| Benefits of turmeric| Nutriwell India| Best dietician in India

8 years ago Featured , recent post

Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has great medicinal benefits. This plant can be used for various purposes. Its uses range from treatment of various ailments to uses in beauty. The gel from the plant can be used or you can also consume Aloe Vera juice. It is like a magic plant which has so many benefits. Let’s take a look at them:

Benefits of Aloe Vera plant or gel:

  1. Moisturizes skin:

Aloe Vera is a great skin moisturizer; that is why it is used in so many skin care products. You can apply the gel directly from the plant to your skin. Or if you do not have a plant then you can use one of those gels available in the market.

Cholesterol reducing foods, diabetes management, cure of diabetes, managing cholesterol through diet, weight management.


  1. Reduces acne:

For all those facing the trouble of acne, Aloe Vera is the solution for you. It is very effective in reducing acne and its spots. You can apply its gel with a little lemon juice to your skin.

Cholesterol reducing foods, diabetes management, cure of diabetes, managing cholesterol through diet, weight management.


  1. Sunburns:

Since Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties, it is great for treating sunburns. You can apply the gel directly to the sun burned area.

Cholesterol reducing foods, diabetes management, cure of diabetes, managing cholesterol through diet, weight management.


  1. Great for hair:

Along with skin, Aloe Vera has great benefits for hair as well. It conditions your hair, moisturizes it and makes it more beautiful. You can mix the gel with oil and apply it to your hair pre shampoo. Or it can also be used as a leave-in conditioner. It also helps in reducing hair fall.

Cholesterol reducing foods, diabetes management, cure of diabetes, managing cholesterol through diet, weight management.



Aloe Vera juice benefits:

The juice from Aloe Vera is also very healthy. You can make fresh juice by extracting the gel from the plant and adding water to it. Or you can buy one available in the market. It has benefits such as:


  1. Helps in the elimination of constipation and other digestive problems.
  2. Helps in reducing inflammation.
  3. Great for maintaining cholesterol levels. It is one of the cholesterol reducing foods. It is great for managing cholesterol through diet.
  4. Useful for weight loss. Therefore, aloe juice is also useful in weight management.
  5. Detoxifies the body.
  6. Strengthens immune system.
  7. Helps in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Therefore, aloe vera is great for diabetes management. Therefore, diabetic patients can have it.
  8. Improves circulation.


8 years ago Featured , recent post

Protein: The best nutritionist in India

Protein is an important nutrient for our body. The best nutritionist in India says that proteins are found all over our body; in our skin, hair, muscle, bone and every other part of the body or tissue.

The best nutritionist says that the recommended amount of intake of protein per day should be 0.8 grams per kg of a person’s weight. That is, if a person weighs 40kg then the amount of protein he should consume every day is 0.8*40=32 grams.

The best nutritionist in India says that deficiency of protein can cause diseases such as kwashiorkor, marasmus, cachexia etc. Protein deficiency can also lead to loss of muscle mass, decreased immunity, failure in growth etc.

The best nutritionist in India says that, second to water, proteins are most abundantly found in the body. Therefore, proteins are needed by the body for growth and maintenance.

Proteins are polymer chains made of amino acids which are linked together by peptide bonds. Proteins get broken down during digestion. Phenylalanine, valine, threonine, trytophan, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, and histidine are the nine essential amino acids that humans must obtain in order to prevent protein-energy malnutrition. Animal sources have all the amino acids that our body needs. However, plant sources such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds etc. lack one or more essential amino acids.

Protein and weight control:

The best nutritionist in India says that protein also helps in controlling weight. It helps in managing weight better. Therefore, proteins should greatly be a part of your diet meal plan for keeping your weight in check.

Sources of protein:

The best nutritionist in India says that the following are excellent sources of protein:

  • Cottage cheese or paneer
  • Greek yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Chicken and other meat (pork, steak etc.)
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Pepperoni
  • Lentils/ Pulses
  • Peanut Butter
  • Mixed nuts
  • Tofu
  • Soy
  • Green peas
  • Quinoa
  • Milk
  • Chickpeas
  • Chia seeds
  • Oats
  • Broccoli
  • Shrimp

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Foods to gain weight by best dietician in India

Today when so many people are trying only to lose weight, there are others who are trying to put on weight. If you are one of those trying to gain weight, then include these food items in your diet. The best dietician in India says that adding the following food items to your diet will definitely help you to gain weight.

The key to gain weight is not to binge only on the food that is high in calories but it is to eat right to gain healthy weight. The foods that can help you to gain weight are:

Foods to gain weight:

  1. Peanut butter:

    The best dietician in India says that peanut butter contains lots of proteins and good fats. Therefore, it is a great choice if you are trying to put on some weight.

  2. Banana:

    Bananas are great if you are trying to gain weight. Bananas are healthy too. Plus they are affordable as well as easily available.

  3. Cheese:

    Who doesn’t love cheese?! So if you love cheese and are trying to put on weight, then it is ideal for you. Just grate some cheese over your dishes. The best thing is that it goes with almost everything.

  4. Eggs:

    The best dietician in India says that eggs are nutrient rich and make for an ideal breakfast. They are an excellent option when trying to gain weight. They are easily available and affordable too.

  5. Nuts:

    Nuts are again very healthy and delicious too. And they are calorie rich too. So, nuts are also an excellent option for those trying to put on weight.

  6. Rice:

    The best dietician in India says that simply increase the intake of rice in your diet to gain weight. This will help you to put on weight fast. Rice is prepared every day in Indian households. So add it in heaps in your plate.

  7. Granola:

    The best dietician in India says that granola makes for an excellent breakfast cereal. It gives you energy, is rich in protein and fibre, and rich in calories as well. So apart from being healthy, it gives an additional benefit to those trying to gain weight.

  8. Whole milk:

    The best dietician in India says that a glass full of whole milk every day will also help you to gain weight. Drinking it will give you the required energy and is very convenient to add to your diet.


Best dietician in India| Dr Surabhi Jain| Nutriwell India

8 years ago Featured , recent post

Controlling Asthma, control your asthma

Controlling asthma, control your asthma.

Asthma is a disease of the airways of the lungs. This is a long term condition. In this condition, the side walls of an asthmatic person are swollen. The symptoms of asthma include coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing etc. The cause of asthma can be either due to genetic factors or due to environmental factors, say various online nutritionists.

Controlling asthma, control your asthma

The best dietician in India says that for controlling asthma, you should:

  1. Consult a doctor: If you observe that you have symptoms of asthma, you should consult a doctor immediately. Know what kind of asthma you have, what precautions you should take to better your condition, how often you should visit your doctor, what medications you should take, what asthma is exactly, and all your queries related to asthma.

Now-a -days, there are various nutritionists/ dieticians who have their diet clinics online. You can also consult these online nutritionists. These online nutritionists will guide you the best regarding your condition and prescribe you with the best diet plan, diet meal plan, nutrition plans. With the help of the best diet plan, diet meal plan, nutrition plans you can take control of your situation better.


  1. Avoid worsening your condition by avoiding environmental causes:

The best dietician in India says that you should protect yourself from environmental causes when you have asthma. For this, you can:

  • Wear a protective mask while cleaning, dusting etc.
  • Use scent free products
  • Use a mask while going out
  • Stay away from smoke and smoking zones
  • Use exhaust fans while cooking

These things are also suggested by online nutritionists who have the best diet plans, diet meal plans, nutrition plans.

  1. Pay attention to what you eat:

The best dietician in India says that during asthma condition, you should also pay attention to what you are eating. You can consult the best dietician in India or online nutritionists for various diet plans, diet meal plans and nutrition plans. The best dietician in India and online nutritionists say that these will be best suited to your condition and will help you to control your asthma better.



Dr. Surabhi Jain| Nutriwell India| Best dietician in India


Foods for lowering blood pressure

Many people suffer from high blood pressure. For people with high blood pressure, it is important to keep their blood pressure in check. The best dietician in India says that a good diet plan will help you in doing so. The best diet plan for lowering blood pressure is the one that should include the following foods:

Foods for lowering blood pressure

The foods for lowering blood pressure are:

  1. Leafy greens

Including leafy greens in your diet has lots of health benefits, including lowering high blood pressure. This is one diet food that will help you to lower your blood pressure, say various online nutritionists. Including leafy greens in your diet food will make for a good diet plan. So leafy greens should definitely be a part of your diet meal plan.


  1. Peas

The best dietician in India says that people with high blood pressure should include more peas to their diet. This one diet food should also be included in your diet meal plan.

  1. Oatmeal

Online nutritionists say that oatmeal is another food that should be a part of a diet meal plan for people trying to lower their blood pressure. This should definitely be included in diet food for the best diet plan.

  1. Berries

The best dietician in India also suggest for people with high blood pressure to include lots of berries as a diet food to their diet meal plan. Berries are rich in flavonoids that will help you to lower your blood pressure naturally.

  1. Red beets

Various online nutritionists also suggest adding lots of red beets to your diet meal plan for lowering high blood pressure. Adding this will make for a very good meal plan for lowering high blood pressure. This will be the best diet plan for you. The best dietician in India suggests adding lots of red beets to your diet.


  1. Bananas

A good diet plan for people trying to lower their blood pressure should definitely include bananas. Bananas are rich in potassium. Hence, these will make for a good diet plan for lowering blood pressure for you.


Adding the above six foods to your diet food for diet meal plan will make for the best diet plan to lower your blood pressure, says the best dietician in India and various online nutritionists. You can consult various online nutritionists for the best diet plans.


Best dietician in India| Dr Surabhi Jain| Nutriwell India| Lucknow dietician

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